Information about sledding, hiking, weight pulling and other activities the arctic breeds enjoy

The two husky brothers Ford and Finn are showing off their bikejoring skills.

Weight pull

Agility is a great way to spice up your dog’s exercise and training regime by engaging their brain as well as muscles. Any time, anywhere… Although, there are some agility training and competitive clubs and a lot of equipment you can get to train with your dog, agility is not just for competing. You can easily squeeze a little agility in to spice up your regular walks by using kids play equipment or fallen trees in your nearby park.


There are a number of dog-friendly hikes in Victoria, whether you are a fan of a lovely coastal walk with an occasional swim or more of a bush-buddy that likes to go exploring the State Parks. Which ever it is, always make sure you have enough water and a collapsible bowl with you to keep your dog hydrated. Vigurous exercise should be avoided on hot days as Arctic Breed dogs can easily overheat, so save the long walks for cooler months.

Obedience training
Basic obedience training is so important to build a strong relationship with your dog. Knowing how to set the right boundaries when bringin a new dog into your home will make it much easier for the dog to settle in and become a part of the family. Reliable obedience skills will also give your dog more freedom to play, explore and tag along on camping trips and family holidays! See the section on Dog training and Trainer recommendations.

Boredom Busters
Engaging a dog’s brain can be much more tiring for them than physical exercise. While obedience training is a fantastic way of working on your dog’s manners while making sure you will have a happy and sleepy puppy tonight, you might not have the time for a daily obedience training session. Does your dog enjoy play time with toys? There is a whole range of engaging toys that can boost your dog’s ability to problem-solve, make their crate training more enjoyable and keep them entertained and out of trouble while you are busy cooking dinner, getting ready for work or even at work. Kongs stuffed with goodies, treat-dispensing and brain-teasing toys are only some of the examples. Make sure that any toys that your dog is playing with when unsupervised are durable!