
Private Rehoming Form

Your application to re-home your dog

PLEASE NOTE:  Regretfully we are at capacity and not able to take in any more dogs at the moment.

We are not a shelter and do not have any spare foster carers, so you will be required to keep your dog with you until a suitable home can be found. With so many dogs needing new homes at the moment, this may take many months, even for healthy young dogs.   If you are not able to keep your dog with you, please be aware that you may have to surrender your dog to an animal shelter.
If your dog was obtained from a registered breeder, please contact the breeder in the first instance for assistance.    Some breeders may be able to take the dog back, and a reputable breeder will at very least be willing to assist you in finding a suitable new home.

Before you apply, please note the following requirements:

  • You must be the legal owner of the dog in order to apply for rehoming.
  • Your dog will need to be desexed, vaccinated, microchipped and flea & worm treated prior to rehoming.
    We can help with reduced cost veterinary work through our partner vets if required.
  • You will be required to have your dog temperament tested by our trainer in Melbourne
  • You must provide full disclosure of the temperament and health of your dog via this form.

For more information on our rehoming process please visit our private rehoming page or FAQ’s.

PLEASE NOTE:  Before you start filling in this form, you will need to have the following information:

  • Dates of desexing, most recent vaccination & worming
  • Council registration renewal and registration number.

You will also need to email the following to us at once you have submitted the form:

  • Copy of desexing certificate which includes microchip number and vet’s signature
  • Current vaccination certificate or card
  • Clear photos of your dog
  • Copy of council registration


Private Rehoming Form

Dog's Gender

Is your dog desexed?

What areas does your dog have access to when you are home? (please select all that apply)

And when no one is at home? (please select all that apply)

Where would your dog sleep at night?

Do you walk your dog on or off the lead?

I confirm that I have the authority to surrender this dog, and have answered all questions truthfully and to the best of my knowledge.

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